The Death Star


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The Death Star


The Defiant is a device made by Arcane Relics that creates a strong electromagnetic pulse “EMP” that interacts with magnets and metal. This interaction is in the form of pushing and pulling which allows for the most amazing PK effects ever seen. The Trek fits in a card case or Tarot case as to be hidden from the eyes of the spectators.

The Defiant has two modes a Basic mode and an advance mode. The Basic mode allows for easy operation while the advance mode gives you options never seen in any PK coil device intel now.

The Defiant’s EMP pulse works through up to 1 inch of wood and can be put in many accessories like the Flip Lid Box ,which is a wooden box that upon your demand its lid violently flips open. The Defiant drawer box which is a non-magic box that its drawer is perfectly sized to hold the Defiant and other items at the perfect distance from any Telekinetic item! Here is an example of some amazing things that can be done with the Defiant:

  • Telekinetic Sharpie: Make a sharpie fall over at any time.
  • Telekinetic Blocks: Make a stack of ABC block fall over.
  • Telekinetic Bell: Make a bell ring at your command and again in 3 seconds.
  • Telekinetic Cross: Make a cross shake and rattle.
  • Telekinetic Bolt: Make a nut start to come off a bolt than move it to your hand to finish.
  • Telekinetic Box: It’s lid flies open on your command.
  • Make a coin disappear.
  • Make almost any item fly off the table.
  • Make a photo or card, turn over or move. Make a deck cut to a chosen card.
  • Cause a small wooden car to move on its own.
  • These things and more can be done with The Defiant…..

Here are the amazing Features of The Defiant:

  •  450 Volts
  • Instant charge time
  • extra removable battery
  • Full blast
  • Vibrating Pulse
  • Micro Pulse ~New
  • User set delays
  • Remote distance up to 500 feet
  • Hands-Free
  • Fits in a tarot card case
  • Dead-mans switch on card box with delay

Let’s talk about every feature pointed out above but first “The Treck” was first released at the  2019 Magic Live convention, it was such a hit that I could not handle the orders so I delayed the official release till now!
Since then I have thought about a few features which I added “Vibrating blast” and “Dead-mans switch” these two have become my favorites!

Vibrating Coil

The vibration coil is not new to me I first developed this in 2018 but did not put it in but a few effects. At the heart of this feature is its ability to vibrate any relics above it by using opposing magnets like 4 in a cross which will make the cross shake “vibrate” above the coil. This is unique to my coils and is a first anywhere. Update: In the video I talk about a discharge time on this function please note that now it does not have to “Discharge” and is ready as soon as you hit the button!

Micro Pulse

This function is new and if you have received one that does not have it call me for a replacement unit for free! You can access this function by holding down either buttons on the remote “Purple led” then release. This function is new to any of my coils it produces about 20 micro pulse’s from the coil these pulses are less than the vibration pulses and will create tiny movements. This function is unique and new to us at Arcane Relics.

Dead-mans switch “panic”

I locate this switch on the coil inside the card case, when activated it counts down to 10 seconds then it turns the coil on to full blast! You never have to use the remote if you choose not to. Although a panic switch is not unique, I am the first to use it on a coil.

450Volts in under 3 seconds

This is my strongest coil to-date and I believe it is the most powerful coil mass-produced.  Although for 3/4 blast you can trigger the coil at any time. A full blast charge time will range from 1 to 6 seconds depending on the Trek version. if you are using the rechargeable battery that comes standard with the Trek and if fully charged, you can expect to see a full charge time at around 6-9 seconds for the first release and about 3 seconds after that. If you order The Defiant  “version” then that time is cut down to 0 seconds. We also have a third version The Death Star that charges 1-3 seconds and has 2 times more power, no waiting, no counting, although it is slightly larger is still fits in a tarot deck. For most performers, the standard version will be there last coil purchase. There is no coil to-date that can even come close to the power and the speed of charge of this Trinity of coils. See below for comparison.

User Remote

On the remote, there are 2 buttons and both are to trigger the one coil function, press A or B and they do the same thing full blast. Besides these buttons, you have a hidden Program button, if you press this button it will check the connection with the Trek coil and vibrate at you so you know all is well and ready, also there is an led on both the remote and the Trek that alerts you to the battery strength. If you press and hold this button it goes into setup mode where you can program your delays. If you press and hold any buttons on top A and B and hold them, the system toggles from a full coil, vibrating coil and Micro pulse! Press A or B again and it performs the full blast like before. Easy! The remote is hands-free and toe-free we use a magnetic switch and when you get a magnet close to it and then remove the magnet; it performs the full blast function if you leave the magnet there for about 2 or more seconds it performs the vibration function and then the Micro pulse function. the led shows what function you are preforming   Think of it like this:

1- seconds, function 1 “full blast”
2 seconds, function 2 vibration coil
3 or more, function 3 Micro pulse

Panic Button

I talked a little about this function above but I would like to talk about it a little more the panic button is not on the remote but on The Defiant coil it will trigger both the full blast and the vibration function but both have a built in 10 second delay. The purpose of this button is so that if you feel that your hands are “hot” you don’t have to go anywhere near your remote. And as expected, if you forgot to charge the remote you can still perform The Defiant!

Remote Distance

Typically, the remotes range depends on numerous factors—indoor/outdoor obstructions, payload of the message, the antenna used, etc. On average, in an urban environment with an outdoor connection, you can expect up to 2- to 3-km-wide coverage, while in the rural areas it can reach beyond 7 km in perfect conditions. This remote technology modulates the data into electromagnetic waves. It uses a transmission method called “Chirp Spread Spectrum,” encoding data in frequency-modulated “chirps.” This transmission method has been used in military and space communication for decades. Range depends on “radio line-of-sight.” Radio waves in the 400- to 900-MHz range may pass through some obstructions, depending on their composition, but will be absorbed or reflected otherwise. This means that the signal can potentially reach as far as the horizon, as long as there are no physical barriers to block it. Elevating the remote above the relic, for example—will maximize its range. Other factors will also have a large impact on range.

So how does this equate to actual performance? I have said all of this so you know when I say it will work it will! 5 feet easy, 20 feet no problem, 50 or even 100 feet away it will still work.  At Magic Live I had magicians walk around the convention with no impact what so ever on its receiving range! At ECSS I had visitors at my booth go downstairs and outside with NO impact on the receiving range. I know that you will fall in love with this remote and it’s only found here at Arcane Relics!


Comparing the trinity of coils

                              The Trek
Voltage:                 350 volts
Charge time:         3-6
Battery:                  900 mAh
Suggested use:      Magician

                             The Defiant
Voltage:                450 volts
Charge time:         0
Battery:                  80 hits and Removable
Suggested use:      Mentalist/Bizarre

                              The Death Star
Voltage:                 Beyond
Charge time:         1-3
Battery:                  50 hits and Removable
Suggested use:      Bizarre

All three of these coils have in option for a center connecting device. The Trek has an optional device which lets you load and unload it from under your table or behind anything. With the Defiant and the Death Star that system has been improved and is made into them. With both the Defiant and the Death Star you can use a nylon bolt and nut to connect the units to anything. With both the Defiant and the Death Star you can place a metal shim or magnet in the center of the coil for easy placement of your PK item directly above the “HOT” zone. You can use any of the interchangeable strength magnets and or shims to get that perfect pull of your PK item without the spectator suspecting anything abnormal as THEY place the PK item on the table.

Be Safe My Friends

We have had some customers express concerns that capacitors over 50 volts our not safe! Our trinity of coils are the safest on the market at any voltage! Let me explain, most coils that use capacitors constantly keep that dangerous capacitor charged waiting for you to use it! As soon as you turn that coil on it charges and is at its most dangerous moment. So if you turn it on before a show and 20 minutes later, you use it; it has been there the entire time, draining your battery and endangering anyone close to it. While our coils are completely dormant right up to the moment you press the button and “are only charged” for a split second, then they go dormant again! In this dormant state there is no chance for anything unsafe to happen. In addition, ours will last up to 5 times longer because every capacitor has a set number of charges and discharges and while others are constantly charging and waisting those precious charge cycles our coils do not!

Besides this safety feature we have in place a circuit to make sure that there is no way for it to overcharge the capacitor! Let me explain: Most coils on the market are “analog” they turn on and after so much time they stop charging and then restart “Top Off” that charge. The problem is with this old system is that it has no idea what the current voltage is so if you was to turn the unit off then back on it can double charge the capacitor,  this is a terrible! Our coils are smart coils in that they always know what the voltage level is and so it will never overcharge! We also have other protections built in like auto discharge, and auto drain that make our coils even safer.


Uses for the trinity of coils

At Magic Live I included a group of relics that came with it at a higher cost, but I have decided not to include those relics and offer the Trek at a lower starting price point. A lot of maker magicians will be able to DIY their own effects, but I will also offer these for starters that you can add to the Trek base system:

  • First, up is a relic called Three Little Ghost by John Ferrentino and Joe Silkie with a Mod/bonus routine using the Trek by me. This is a must-have!!!
  • A wooden box that will hold 4 or 5 decks of cards or other items needed for your presentation.
  • A larger wood drawer box that is the thickness of the Trek that you can preform off of.
  • Shimmed cards, photos, pencils, coins, etc.
  • Telekinetic wood, sharpies, crosses, pendulums, etc.
  • Whole effects like Chimed, Knock Knock,  Visited, House of Horrors, and more.
  • Routines by John Ferrentino, Joe Silkie, and others.

We plan these Relics and more for release within a year. And videos demos are coming soon..

The Trek is one advanced piece of hardware that is made for performers by performers! To ensure quality and timely delivery, I will be only making 10 standard Trek’s next week “June 1st” and from there I will start to ramp up that production based on the amounts added to our “waitlist”. If Magic Live is an example, these will go quickly…… So order now!

The Trek is now shipping. I will update the stock status at the end of each day. Email, or call me if you need an update on availability.

Please Note!

The Defiant will start shipping in November…….


























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